The naval sector includes various types of transport such as submarines, naval vessels, ocean-going drilling platforms and cruise ships. It must be taken into account that aquatic environments place unique stresses on cables and other electronic components.
On-board environments impose a number of additional requirements that coaxial cabling products must comply with. This creates additional challenges in determining the optimal coaxial cables and connectors for shipboard communications, including signal-to-noise ratio, low loss, and shielding so signals from outside cannot interfere.
Berton S.r.l.
componenti elettronici
Via colombara, 123/H
30176 marghera – venezia
tel. 0039 041 931628 – fax 0039 041 931402
partita iva e cod.fisc.: 03552340279
c.c.i.a.a. VE R.E.A. n. 318135 n° Reg. Impr.: 03552340279 VE
Cap. Sociale € 90.000,00 i.v.